Friends Of UWA Rugby


a grade match 1939 leach takes on the wallabies uni vs NSW paul gauntlett at the lineout russell perry vs cottesloe the University Rugby Club Cricket Club, 1975 During the last few years, we at UWA Rugby have tried different methods and strategies to lift the Club's first grade performance with limited success.

We have looked at what other Universities were doing to improve their position on the ladder. These investigations unearthed some interesting results. In 1996 Sydney University was languishing at the bottom of the ladder and had been for some years.

When the possibility of relegation arose they decided it was time to do something about the situation. A group was formed called the "Friends of Sydney University Rugby Club". The group, in close consultation with the University and UWA Sports, organised fundraising through their networks. They organised fundraising dinners and invited companies and individuals to donate funds to a tax-deductible trust to be managed by the Club and University as an ongoing source of income.

Sydney University Rugby Club used these funds to introduce a range of scholarships for gifted players from local schools and juniors through to State and International players. Students were also helped in their careers by the Club through job opportunities and counselling on how to obtain the right position through work experience etc.

10 years on we have proved that learning from the Sydney University experience has proven to be a winner. Our goal is to be like Sydney University, which is a dominant force in the SRU and has been in numerous First Grade Grand Final for the past few years. They were minor premiers and Club champions, boast Wallabies and have embarrassing riches of talent coming through their colts.

If you are keen to support these projects and assist them to grow and develop in future years become part of the Friends by:
* attending our annual dinner;
* making a financial contribution to the Friends (any amount up to $10,000);
* becoming a Foundation Member of the Friends by pledging $10,000.

Currently, we have 35 such Foundation Members and over $350,000 in the Foundation from which we can draw on the interest component to meet our Scholarship program.

2019 saw the Friends sponsor over 20 players to assist in meeting their educational expenses whilst keeping them in the game and at UWA Rugby to be players and ambassadors for our Club. Our Friends help us make this happen and get the joy of seeing their support translate into on-field success. The Foundation Board hosted functions to generate funds as well as to provide a link between player recipients and the donors so there is a tangible outcome for the support. If you would like more information on the Friends of UWA Rugby program email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To make a donation simply download the attached form Friends of UWA Rugby Scholarship Donation and return it to the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at the University of Western Australia.

I hope that we can count on your support.

Lee Christensen
Friends of UWA Rugby Club


Foundation Board, Friends of University Rugby


Friends of UWA Rugby get together at UWA

Graham Aldous

Michael & Astrid Hughes

Chris & Anjie Brook

Stephen Knott O.A.M.

Brandon Brooksbank

Stephen Lauder

Drs Barry & Fran Cassidy

Peter Naude

Lee & Sarah Christensen

Dermot O’Keefe

Sandy Clarkson

Dr Graham Edward Smith

Harold Clough

Tony Soldatic

Dr Paul & Krerry-Lee Collier 

Kathal Spence

Stephen and Karen Cringle

David Vaux

Rick and Jan De Franck

Steve & Nicole Waddingham

James & Lis Ford

Jim Walker

Dr John Gliddon

Jayden Wallis

Bruce & Diana Hartley

Roger Whalan

Bill & Bette Healy

Mark Wilson

Roger Hill

Michael & Cherry Young

 Chris Reed







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Friends of University Rugby